The Hunter


Devilish lights,

Howling, deep inside


Catlike, yellowish eyes glow in the night.

The hunter is here to stay

No one thought he would come back

No one thought he could still be alive

But he is here, he's come to stay


The children are afraid, but they need not to

Their parents used to frighten them

With stories about a lonesome Hunter

who drove the demons away.


For long forgotten tears he fights

For the holy light in the sky

No shield nor sword he weilds

He honly has his eyes

To destroy Evil that dwells in the heart of man.


Stay with us, don't go away

Protect us, oh Hunter

Let us be guided by your gleaming eyes

shining bright in this,

the darkest hour.


Pedro E. Asborno

Improvisación fotográfica.



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