

Sin buscarla la encontré

Una noche volando en un bar

Música, saltos, café

una combinación particular.


Y si bien no la conozco,

Y si bien no se si se interesa

Y si bien poco he hablado con ella



Inquieta, la langosta voladora revolotea entre el sombrero y mi cabeza,

Decidido? Si.

Inquietas, sus alas blancas de plumas radiantes.

Inquietos, sus ojos mientras miran ese rostro.

Con certeza, da vueltas y vueltas, intenta navegar y hundirse en sus ojos para ver que piensa.

O siente.


Langosta -Se acerca, ¿Se aleja?-.

Pedro -No se-.


L -Quien se tira a la pileta?-

P -Creo que me toca a mi-.


L -Cuando?-

P -Pronto-.

L -Muy pronto?-

P -Depende-.


Langosta que vuela impaciente, quiere sentirla cerca.


L -Me apuro!-

P -¿Soy loco yo?-

L -Emmmm... sin comentarios-.

P -Si =) -.







Someday I'll realize

He who waits can

Only see life as it passes by.


No more waiting

No alibi

No more tears





Open your eyes!

Open wide


Scream your heart out



Music. Lyrics.

Stories. Longing.

Infection. Ejection.


Paths. Life.

Throwing words at the wall

Hammering the keyboard

Gently vomiting thoughts-


Experiment, attraction.

Experiment, malfunction.

Experiment, containment!






Come on, freak out!

Lobsters are coming...

They are coming right now.

They enter your mind!

I'm a lobster.

Ill get into your life!

You'll be a Flying lobster too.

You'll feel like getting youself a hat.

I know.


Where do you come from?

Has reality truly gone bananas?

Or is she drinking tea with Reason and time?


OMG (again)


Look at the time!

Tea time for Pedro.

Would you like some tears with your tea, sir?  -the lobster asks.

Oh! yes, indeed! -I respond.


Out of control!

Out of control!

Experiment! Go on!

Experiment! Out of control.


A couple of stories, some tears, one or two fears. Leeson One, Page Fourty Five. Life Facts.


Streaming Ideas, swallowing your mind.


Don't Fight it.

I will.






Infection. Music.

Longing. Ejection.

Stories. Lyrics.


Ohhh! Shiny!

Dholna Tu Chann Mein Chakor



Think about it.

Dholna Tu Chann Mein Chakor

It has meaning.

Dholna Tu Chann Mein Chakor


Dholna Tu Chann Mein Chakor

Translate it.

Dholna Tu Chann Mein Chakor

Get it?

Dholna Tu Chann Mein Chakor
