

Late in the night
When darkness is all around
And I long for the time
When I’ll see you once again

Today I’m not feeling sad
But my mind is far away
It’s lying with you in your bed
Right next to my heart

It’s such a strange feeling,
There’s nothing I want to do
I feel like I’m there
Watching you as in your dreams you smile

In my life almost all I’ve done
I’ve done it the wrong way
But I won’t keep on living like this
I want to start a new kind of life

With you by me side
Forever I want to stay
Please don’t ever go away
For you are

The love of my life

This poem, I wrote it for you my beloved when we were starting to go out...
Remember: for you I’d break the earth, I’d move the ocean and make the sky fall, because you are my endless paradise.

1 comentario:

Lhord Marquez dijo...

Permitime ser el primero en postearte... jajajaja... nos vemos negro... suerte..

PD: por sierto... te linckee... jeje